Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Treating Skin Problems The Stylish Way


Those of us with persistent pimple, acne, and skin problems will know, that to live with breakouts, blemishes, patches, redness, soreness, itchiness, and scar can be very annoying, what more having to deal with them 24/7!

Don’t you just wish your skin will improve overnight? Don’t you just wish all those stubborn scars and pimples will just disappear overnight? Well we might just have a solution for that.

How apt that Cosminology’s tagline shouts “Don’t just believe in miracles… expect them!” Now, you may say that it’s just a commercial tagline that wants to buy your attention and ultimately, your money; but personally, I’m one for expecting miracles to happen. It’s a psychological thing, really, when you think of something so much, want it so badly, somehow things will work out just that way. Same goes to when you think your skin as so bad and hopeless, your skin might just obey you and be bad and hopeless! It’s the brainpower my dears :)

But things don’t need to look so bleak after all! Yes, miracles don’t happen overnight, you can only persevere to tune your mind to positive thinking, but meanwhile, you have Cosminology to rely on.

Dr. Dima Ali, M.D. is the founder of Cosminology. As a long-time acne sufferer with a tendency for hyper-pigmentation, Dr. Dima began to combine varying strengths of potent, rejuvenating ingredients with natural, anti-inflammatory botanical extracts and essential oils to treat her own skin conditions and those of her patients. Over the time of research and testing, the treatments not just worked, Dr. Dima also found out the power of “mineral” cosmetics - it actually helps speed up the recovering of scars!

Cosminology carries the Dermacles skin care line, and the Minacles make up lines - which consist of wide ranges of choices and colours to suit to all skin type. Have a browse over their catalogue, or read their testimonials here. And what better way to receive the message of a testimony than to see it for yourselves right? Click over to their before and after page for a pictorial testimonials! You might just be sold for mineral-based skin products from now onwards!


Posted by J-elle @ 8:58 AM

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